Mechanical soil cultivation is commonly referred to as aeration because the purpose is to improve the natural exchange of gas trapped in the soil with oxygen from the atmosphere - defined by Webster's as aeration. This exchange is important for healthy turf since turf plants need oxygen to grow. Different soils vary in their ability to perform this important process/function. Irregardless of soil type, all soils are subject to some level of compaction. Fine textured soils like clay, silts and fine sands are very susceptible to compaction. Compaction squeezes soil particles together minimizing the space between the particles, restricting their ability to aerate. Aerification tools and techniques are numerous and most have some sort of benefit. The range of methods varies from little (1/4") jets of water to 1" in diameter steel rods that are forced into the ground and move before being removed. Some other interesting methods include air, drills, water, roll vibrate lift. Not all techniques are beneficial for all situations. For example, many of the golf course greens aeration tools are not aggressive enough for sports turf applications. Water Injection Air Injection Spike _______________________ __________________________ _________________________ Turf Services turf maintenance programs have a strong emphasis on aerification. We offer a variety of techniques, including; pull type fracture, coring tine aerifiers and Verti-Drain deep tine aerification. The aggressive Verti-Drain and fracture tine tools will break up soil compaction increasing water infiltration, gas-oxygen exchange, and reduce soil hardness. |
The Verti-Drain procedure is a specialized aerification process that is able to penetrate deeply into the ground while rotating the tine in the soil to help break up soil structure. The fracturing action creates a loose soil, which in turn promotes improved drainage. The process is not permanent and is considered a short term solution. Verti-Draining early in the season encourages good turn development and is primarily a management tool.